Committee of the Whole Moves Forward to Solicit Bids for Pardue Park Project

The Hopkinsville Committee of the Whole has unanimously decided to move forward and solicit bids to obtain a more accurate cost estimate for the Pardue Park project, while awaiting a grant approval by the state.

At Thursday night’s meeting, City Chief Financial Officer Melissa Clayton explained that they are still waiting for state approval of the RTP grant before proceeding.

click to download audioShe outlined that the total funding available for the project currently stands at $939,654, which includes $669,654 in ARPA funds.

Clayton pointed out three options: splitting the project into two parts and bidding separately, rejecting the bid, or continuing to wait for approval of the RTP Grant. She also mentioned that none of these options include the ADA playground, which is estimated to cost between $500,000 and $1 million.

After outlining the pros and cons of each option, Clayton stated that the Council faces a time versus money decision.

click to download audioIn response to a question about the timeline for the state grant, Clayton explained that the official they are dealing with has refused to provide a specific timeline. However, during a phone conversation, he assured her that the grant is not at risk, but he didn’t know how long the grant process would take.

Clayton mentioned that the grant represents approximately 10 percent of the project’s total cost.

click to download audioMayor JR Knight expressed his agreement with all the council, stating that it’s time to move forward with the project.

click to download audioPublic Works Administrator Mike Perry stated that they need to go ahead and solicit bids now in order to obtain an estimated cost.

click to download audioAfter further discussion, the council unanimously approved a motion to put the park project out for bids.

In other actions, a $1.5 million budget request from the Surface and Stormwater Utility was approved and forwarded to the City Council for consideration. Additionally. a motion by Natasha Francis to remove Steve Keel as chair of the Committee of the Whole failed to pass, with a vote of 9-3.


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