Christian County School Shuffle to Finish On Time, Under Budget

The maintenance department of Christian County Public Schools is being lauded for moving three entire schools over the last month and a half, on top of its normal summer maintenance work.

As part of moving 6th grade back to the middle schools, the district had to shuffle schools around to make room. Assistant Superintendent, Kevin Crider says crews worked quickly in June to get Martin Luther King, Jr. Early Learning Center, in the old Indian Hills, ready.

click to download audioThe building was inspected by the State as a child care facility and passed. Children were in the new location on Blaine Drive June 24th. Principal, Leigh Ann Stewart says with the work and the paint, you can’t even tell it’s the same building.

click to download audioCrider says work continues at the new Hopkinsville Middle School and the new Indian Hills Elementary School. They anticipate having everything moved and ready for teachers in two weeks.

click to download audioNew branding has been installed at each building, as well as changes to the footprints to bring them into compliance with Kentucky Department of Education standards. He says the staff and volunteers have been amazing to work with and a reminder that they tough choices are not without bright spots.

click to download audioCrider says as of right now they are under budget for the moves. Ribbon cuttings for each of the new buildings are being planned.


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