SWK EDC Discusses Marketing Plan For 2024-25 Business Campaign

Officials with the South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council took time Monday afternoon to share with regional constituents their 12-month plans for promoting the region, and what it has to offer current and incoming industry.

SWK EDC Executive Director Carter Hendricks introduced a 10-point “strategies & goals” plan for said marketing in the 2024-25 fiscal year, which he noted will include:

— A continued focus on digital advertising.
— Targeted direct mail campaigns.
— Monthly blogs and emails.
— Commercials listings.
— Regional collaborations with Kentucky Cornerstone.
— Targeted print and legacy marketing.
— Tradeshow and conference appearances.
— Transatlantic Business & Investment Council membership.
— Assorted marketing materials.
— And public relations events, like ribbon cuttings and general announcements.

Hendricks said he and the SWK would soon be making a trip to Atlanta, with other tradeshows on the horizon.

Furthermore, Hendricks confirmed that advertising in print media was still important, but not nearly as effective as it had been in years past, and that moving toward online efforts — like LinkedIn and other similar platforms — generated more discussion and business traffic.

In other SWK EDC news:

— Board members also welcomed the addition of new Trigg County Schools Superintendent Rex Booth, who plans to serve the SWK EDC as another voice for education.

Booth offered an open invitation to regional leaders for this Friday’s vocational school renovation ribbon-cutting and open house, which is planned for 12:30 until 2:30 PM.

Hendricks noted that vocational wings in local high schools really mattered, in regard to new industry wishing to locate in the area.

— Workforce participation still needs to increase in the tri-county region, however, Hendricks noted unemployment rates remain historically low. In June, Trigg County finished at 4.6%, Christian County at 5.3% and Todd County at 4.6%. Kentucky’s average unemployment is currently at 4.8%, and in the U.S. it’s 4.1%. Stewart, Montgomery and Robertson counties of northwest Tennessee are at 3.2% or lower.

— This past week, Hendricks also noted that he, Trigg County Judge-Executive Stan Humphries, Christian County Judge-Executive Jerry Gilliam and Hopkinsville Mayor J.R. Knight, Eston Glover and Elkton Mayor Arthur Green were part of a panel with the Pennyrile Industrial Management Association.

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