Traffic Stop Leads To Charges For A California Man And Woman

On Wednesday afternoon, a traffic stop on West 7th Street in Hopkinsville led to several charges for a California man and woman.

Hopkinsville Police say they stopped a vehicle driven by 40-year-old Natalie Gonsalez for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign and failure to use a turn signal.

During the stop, Gonsalez and her passenger 25-year-old Arthur Ruiz reportedly would not give law enforcement proper identifying information for Ruiz who had outstanding warrants in California.

After a search of the vehicle, deputies say meth, a digital scale, and a gun were found.

Gonsalez was arrested and charged with disregarding a stop sign, failure to or improper signal, failure to maintain required insurance, obstructed windshield, and second-degree hindering prosecution or apprehension.

Ruiz was also arrested and charged with giving officers false identifying information, trafficking meth, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

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