With the expansion of preschool in Christian County, one barrier has been the need-based aspect, but school officials are now offering a payment option. Director of Special Education, Michelle Ladd says the opening of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Early Learning Center increased interest in preschool.
click to download audioPreschool is grant-funded through the state and requires 4-year-olds to be at risk of educational failure or have a disability. Director of Pupil Personnel, Dr. Melanie Barrett says students who have not met these restrictions have had to be turned away in the past.
click to download audioLadd adds they have not had to use the last in-first out stipulation due to overcrowding.
click to download audioBarrett says this new payment option will open preschool up to many families.
click to download audioThe Board of Education voted to approve the tuition cost as well as changes to the policies. Applications for preschool can be completed online.