City to Declare Depot Building Surplus

A downtown Hopkinsville building could soon have new life if the City follows through with a decision Thursday night. Debate about the fate of the L&N Depot has been ongoing since the building was condemned five years ago. Mayor JR Knight asked the Committee of the Whole to consider declaring the building surplus property.

click to download audioHe says he has spoken with several investors, who currently want to remain anonymous and are willing to take on the task of repairing the 132-year-old building. Councilman Chuck Crabtree asked about use restrictions, but City Administrator Troy Body says those were removed.

click to download audioThe L&N Depot was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The Committee voted to move the surplus declaration to City Council. The city has over one million in an account to refurbish the building and Knight says that money would be reallocated.

In other business, Knight asked the Committee to consider naming the Lafayette Road Walking Bridge.

click to download audioFormer Mayor Wendell Lynch played for Coach Falls.

click to download audioThe Committee voted unanimously to move forward with naming it the Coach William Falls Memorial Bridge.

Meanwhile, an attempt to again draft an ordinance pertaining to chickens in the city limits failed. The Committee voted 6-5 against asking the city attorney to take up the issue.

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