United Way Of The Pennyrile Goal Set At $700K


Touting a logo designed by Christian County High School’s Maci Petty, United Way of the Pennyrile’s Martha Steil

closed Thursday’s Campaign Kick-off Breakfast at the A.W. Watts Senior Center with a smile and a nod — asking the communities of Trigg, Christian and Todd to buy in on this year’s theme: “Shine Like the Stars.”

Already at it behind pace-setting and outreach, she said more than $204,000 of a $700,000 goal has been obtained — leaving 70% remaining before next spring’s close.

Responsible for collecting and unfolding those charitable donations to 18 partner agencies, United Way Board Chair Lana Bastin noted the community — time and again — has risen to the cause.

Bastin later confirmed that the “Residential” division has increased its goal from last year — up from $80,000 to $85,000 — and in targeting long-time organization supporters, retirees and families, they have already reached 45% of those targets at $35,600.

Per Andy Pitts, the “Industrial” division and its pace-setters have already come in strong, with Pennyrile Electric on board for more than $33,000, while owning a co-bank match of $10,000.

Josh Ryan, chair of the “Commercial” division, said 16 pace-setters have collected more than $49,000 — a little ahead of last year.

Leslie Sowell, chair of the “Government” division and longtime City of Hopkinsville employee, lauded Hopkinsville Fire/EMS for its annual promises, and revealed that the Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority has already cashed in more than $45,000 to the collective.

A late shuffle in properties and in-house development has Christian County Public Schools a little behind the pace-setting, but “Education” division Chair Michelle Walden said their goal through all schools, including Todd and Trigg, is $30,000.

Meanwhile, “Professional” division Chair Nicole Cravens said their 15 pace-setters have already raised more than $10,000, and just getting started.

In the invocation, new Salvation Army of Hopkinsville Lt. David Donegan channeled 2 Corinthians 9:7 and Proverbs 19:17 as key reflective passages for these kinds of efforts.

Sponsors for Thursday’s breakfast: Rogers Group, HES and the Bank of Cadiz & Trust Company.

Those 18 agencies are:
Aaron McNeil House, American Red Cross, Armed Services YMCA, Hopkinsville-Christian County Boys & Girls Club, Christian County Literacy Council, Christian County Rescue Team, Christian County Youth Services Advisory Board, Dyslexia Association, Hopkinsville Family YMCA, the Imagination Library, Kentucky Legal Aid, Pennyroyal Children Advocacy Center, PACS Home Delivered Meals, PACS RSVP, Sanctuary Inc., St. Luke Free Clinic, The Salvation Army of Hopkinsville and Trace Industries.

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