PACS RSVP Stays Busy In Trigg County And Beyond


Quietly in the background, often forgotten, more than 70 people in Trigg County working with the Pennyrile Allied Community Services Retired and Senior Volunteer Program put in more than 15,000 manhours during Fiscal Year 2024.

This is equivalent to having seven full-time employees — each making around $42,000.

But instead of it costing someone a quarter million dollars, it only costs a fraction of the price, and a fraction of someone’s time — and someone who is willing to make a difference.

Speaking to the Cadiz Rotary Club Tuesday afternoon, PACS RSVP Coordinator Christy Holley said those 55 and older who are retired and/or qualified as a senior citizen can make the commitment to help bolster non-profit organizations like Helping Hands, the Cadiz Lions Club and others — all needing able bodies to deliver the mission of service above self.

Examples, she said, are Linda Copeland, as well as the Trigg County Hospital Ladies Auxiliary.

Holley noted some moderate insurance benefits, as well as a $30 monthly gasoline stipend, are provided to those who volunteer. Some, she said, choose to donate those monies back to the non-profits they serve, while others are able to stash the cash away while living on a fixed income.

Either way, long-time volunteer Rita Hammack — who has volunteered with The Way, the Cadiz Lions Club, the VFW and more — said it was more than fulfilling.

It saved her emotionally, especially after moving to Trigg County less than a decade ago.

Hammack confirmed that many of Trigg County’s shut-ins “just need a warm meal, or someone to talk to,” while troubled youths mostly need similar care.

In order to address some concerns in the younger generation, Hammack said the Cadiz Lions Club has added the implementation of national program “Lions Quest” — which puts problematic students seeking assistance in a twice-a-week after-school program that explores special assignments and self actualization.

Through court and police approval, these students gather at the John L. Street Library — rather than serve out jail time or equivalent discipline.

This year is the 50th Anniversary of PACS RSVP. The annual volunteer celebration will be held in October, and those interested can assist not just in Trigg, but in Christian, Hopkins and Muhlenberg counties.

For more information, call the PACS Central Office in Hopkinsville at (270) 886-6341.

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