Looking to shore up finances and clean up loose ends, the Cadiz-Trigg County Tourist Commission and its executive director, Beth Sumner, opted Tuesday to continue and establish two Certificate of Deposits: one with Bank of Cadiz, and one with First Financial.
The first, Sumner said, is part of a $25,000 stash that needed renewal for 18 months at close to 5%. Board members Nelson Green and Matt Ladd opened the discussion.
The second, noted Sumner and Chairman Deepak Patel, was the discovery of $77,000 lodged in a savings account with First Financial, earmarked for tourism.
Sumner said Keith Washer had advised the cash was drawing less than a half percent of interest, and that its placement in other avenues might be a move beneficial investment.
It was decided to move $50,000 of the $77,000 to a three-month platform.
In other tourism news:
— Sumner said more than 1,000 entries have already been submitted to the “Name The Pig” contest at WKDZ, and of those, more than 600 are unique options for the county’s most recent addition to Broadbent Square.
The new arrival, she said, is already paying dividends.
— Sumner said that in this first week on the job, she’s already started to connect and plan with others for leadership development. This includes advanced training in QuickBooks, visits with local banks, a planned trip to the Murray Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, a two-day director’s college in Elizabethtown, and a November visit to Covington for Kentucky Travel Industry Association sessions.
— Sumner also mentioned that she will start bringing notes of all sponsorship requests for tourism funding to the table, at least as mentions, but in the past, most asks valued at $8,000 or less came at the discretion of the executive director, and thus didn’t need board approval.
— Tourism next meets October 8, just before the 48th Annual Trigg County Country Ham Festival.