This past Saturday, “Operation Lightning Strike,” was conducted as a large-scale casualty training exercise at Tennova Healthcare’s campus on Dunlop Lane near Clarksville.
This event was organized and facilitated by Daniel Wall and Scott E. Smith, the Montgomery County Emergency Management Planner, and featured a collaborative effort with around 500 participants.
It also involved various agencies, including the Clarksville Police Department, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, Tennessee Highway Patrol, Homeland Security, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, Emergency Management Agency, Clarksville Fire Rescue, Mont. Co. Volunteer Fire, Risk Management, City and County E-911 call takers and dispatchers.
Medical services such as Montgomery County EMS, Vanderbilt, First Call, Amerimed Ambulance, Vanderbilt Life Flight, and Air Evac Helicopter service, along with members of TRANE, all contributed to the operation’s success.
Austin Peay State University nursing students played a critical role, using moulage techniques and simulated blood to create fake injuries that enhanced the realism of the exercise.
Various first responders and law enforcement personnel coordinated responses from mobile command centers while training officers from multiple agencies ensured the safety of all participants.
After the exercise, members gathered at the main meeting point for a hot wash debriefing. A “hot wash” is an immediate, informal debriefing session following an exercise or training event, where participants and leaders discuss the activity while it is still fresh in everyone’s minds. And the goal is to quickly evaluate performance, gather feedback, and identify lessons learned. These discussions help capture key insights on what went well, what didn’t, and how things can be improved in the future.
These types of drills are vital to ensure the preparedness and coordination of local emergency services. It helps to identify potential issues, refine emergency response strategies, and improve coordination among agencies, providing a valuable opportunity to enhance readiness for real emergencies.