City Approves Incentive for Harvey Square Project

A new housing development could see incentives from the City of Hopkinsville. During the City Council meeting Tuesday night, members voted 8-1 to approve the Wallick Harvey Housing Incentive.

City Clerk Brittany Byrum says it will apply to the additional revenue brought in by increased property tax.

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That rebate is estimated to be about $280,000 over the life of the incentive. Councilman Travis Martin asked where this new housing would be located.

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Councilman Steve Keel recused himself from the matter. Councilman Bruce Smiley cast the lone no vote. Councilmen Doug Wilcox and Jason Bell were not in attendance.

In other business, City Council gave approval for Hopkinsville Water Environmental Authority to pursue $9 million in bonds for upgrades at the Moss Water Treatment Facility and the Oak Grove Clean Water Plant.

Meanwhile, City Bond Council Mark Franklin shared more information about the Ascend Elements Bond request before the ordinance came before the body.

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He says the exempt facility bonds will have to be closed by December 15th.

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Ascent Elements is being constructed near the Casky Rail Yard on John Rives Road.

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