Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation has shifted its annual Halloween trick-or-treating to Friday.
Due to expected breezy and rainy conditions on Thursday afternoon, the annual Halloween trick-or-treating event has been rescheduled to Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 along South Main Street from 6th to 13th Street.
Officials would like to remind attendees that no parking will be available on South Main Street between 7th and 13th Streets after 3:00 on Friday afternoon.
Furthermore, the first-ever “No-Scare Square,” a partnership with Pennyroyal Center, has been rescheduled to Friday and will be held in Founder’s Square. It provides a quieter, less overwhelming alternative to traditional Halloween festivities for children and families who may find them stressful.
For more information call the Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Department at (270) 887-4290.