Planned for Saturday, December 7, the Cadiz Christmas Parade always roams down Main Street, and brings a delight to families and children seeking bright lights and a peek at Santa Claus.
During Tuesday’s Cadiz City Council meeting, Mayor Todd King made mention of a surprise coming this year.
All thanks, he said, to the Cadiz Fire Department.
King, and council members, noted that the downtown area looks “perfect” for the holidays, as the lighting and the Renaissance Stage are both prepped and ready for the season.
Your News Edge’s Cindy Allen and Alan Watts will be providing parade coverage, beginning at 6 PM on 106.5 WKDZ FM and wkdzradio.com.
In other city council news:
— For the month of November, the Cadiz Police Department:
+ Investigated 12 cases.
+ Responded to more than 560 calls for service.
+ Made 68 traffic stops.
+ Issued 38 citations from those stops.
+ Answered nine alarm calls.
+ And investigated nine collisions, with one of those involving injuries.
Cadiz Police Chief Tyler Thomas was unavailable Tuesday, King said, because of training.
— And Stephanie Hancock was reappointed to the Housing Authority’s board.