Annual Christmas Parade Kicks Off Holiday Festivities In Cadiz

The Cadiz Christmas Parade lit up downtown Cadiz Saturday night to help kick off the 2024 holiday season, with Santa Claus making his way along the parade route in a new way.

Under the direction of the City of Cadiz for the first time, Santa Claus and the Cadiz Fire Department earned first place honors in the float division as the jolly old elf made his annual appearance in Cadiz atop an antique fire wagon pulled on a trailer instead of on top of the Cadiz Fire Truck.

Second place honors went to Trigg County FFA music through the decades disco float, with third place going to Gigi’s Boutique and Marketplace owned by Tammy Melton. Lake Barkley State Resort park earned the title for Best Use of Theme ” Christmas Through the Decades” and Josh Johnson earned top honors for Best Use of Lights.

The parade was led by Cadiz Police Chief Tyler Thomas and parade Grand Marshall 56th Circuit Judge Jamus Redd who said he was honored to be chosen this year. The parade also featured Christmas music by the Trigg County High School and Middle bands.

click to download audioAlso making an appearance during the parade was Thomas the Train who represents the Trigg County Elf Magic Squad. All of the proceeds raised by the annual parade is donated to the Trigg County EMS to help make Christmas brighter for Trigg County families in need.

Photos by Antoinette Skinner.

2024 Cadi

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