Plans are moving along for the memorial that will be placed near Vinson Cemetery off US 68 in Trigg County to remember the nine soldiers who died in March of 2023 when two Blackhawk Helicopters collided over a field off Maple Grove Road.
Trigg County Judge Executive Stan Humphries says the veteran memorial committee is continuing to plan for a monument that will pay tribute to the nine soldiers who died March 29th, 2023.
click to download audioHumphries says the original structure will be dedicated only to that fatal crash.
click to download audioHe says future plans call for other memorials to commemorate other veterans who died while serving our country.
click to download audioHumphries says the eastern side of the area where the memorial will be located could become a place where students and community members could trace the history of community members who have served in the military.
click to download audioPlans for the initial memorial for the March 29th crash victims were unveiled at the ceremony following the Trigg County Veterans parade November 11th.