Trigg County Fiscal Court and its magistrates took care of a considerable housekeeping item Monday night — making the amended approval necessary for the creation of a recovery fund expenditure harboring the remaining American Rescue Plan Act funds for the legislative body.
In layman’s terms, it means all federally-appropriated, but unspent, dollars have now been moved to the General Fund, but earmarked for a specific project coming down the road.
Judge-Executive Stan Humphries once again confirmed this project will be the creation of a new Trigg County Rescue building, which will be located along old US 68 near the county garage.
County Treasurer Lucy Kyler offered some clarity.
ARPA funds in Trigg County have already been used for the outreaching fiber build-out coming through Pennyrile Rural Electric and HES.
In other court news:
— Road Supervisor Brandon Calhoun noted that more debris work occurred prior to Thanksgiving, and that the new grapple truck was used after the feasting holiday to pick up some of the prepared piles. Furthermore, he said all eyes are on Glenwood Mill Road, and its potential for heavy flooding during excessive rains.
— During his closing conversation, Humphries again confirmed that the work of the Trigg County Senior Citizens Center and Director Cissy Lawrence is pivotal to the community.
— Dates of importance: Elisha Kite’s retirement reception as full-time director of the Pennyrile District Health Department will be from 2-4 PM Thursday at the Lyon County Convention Center, and county offices will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.