On Thursday evening, the Hopkinsville City Council approved the Weyman’s Way street extension and a crumb rubber grant match, while the Committee of the Whole advanced grant proposals for firefighting resources and Commerce Park II development during a separate meeting.
City Clerk Brittany Byrum presented the municipal ordinance for accepting the Weyman’s Way street extension to the council.
click to download audioWard 4 Council member Chuck Crabtree voted against accepting the street.
In addition, Mayor J.R. Knight shared information about a Kentucky Waste Tire Crumb Grant.
click to download audioThe municipal order states that the maximum grant award is $100,000, with a 25% match. The council unanimously authorized Mayor Knight to sign the Crumb Rubber Tire-Derived Products Grant documents, the Memorandum of Agreement, and all related paperwork.
In the Committee of the Whole meeting following the city council session, Chief Financial Officer Melissa Clayton presented details about a municipal order for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant, which requires a 20% match.
click to download audioThe funds would be allocated for the Deep South Fire Trucks on the Class 5 Brush Truck and for the design and construction of phase 1 of the Hopkinsville Fire Department. The municipal order was forwarded to the City Council for consideration.
Clayton also shared details about a $7 million grant intended for the design and construction of roadway system and rail spur at Commerce Park II.
The municipal order was advanced to the City Council for consideration.