As work continues on the new Christian County High School, District officials preparing for demolition of the old Christian County Middle School on Glass Avenue.
Thursday night, the School Board approved nearly $3.7 million in monthly construction costs and the monthly payment to Hafer Architects.
Alliance Corporation Vice President of Construction Management, Tim Geegan says crews are working despite the weather.
click to download audioOnly two areas remain not under roof.
click to download audioAs part of the update, Assistant Superintendent Kevin Crider says they are hopeful traffic will not be an issue.
click to download audioSuperintendent Chris Bentzel says they have just as much traffic on Glass Avenue everyday.
click to download audioBentzel adds the job description for Executive Principal is posted through March 7.
click to download audioIn Board business, Finance Director, Jessica Darnell presented the board with the bids for demolition of the old Christian County Middle School. They accepted the lowest bid of $241,000 from Complete Demolition of Carrollton, Georgia.
click to download audioThe district will be paying for asbestos removal separate from the demolition.