Christian County FFA Celebrates National FFA Week with Leadership and Hands-On Learning


We visited with Christian County FFA during National FFA week. Advisors’ Jake Jaworski and Mattea Wyatt tell us about the membership numbers and what they teach in the classroom. 

Wyatt talks about her classes and the greenhouse.

She also talks about membership numbers and touches on the middle school FFA chapter.

Jaworki discusses the lambing project providing students with hands-on experience.

Cheyanne Rodgers is the Christian County FFA President as well as the Pennyrile Region Reporter. She talks about her Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) at Hopkinsville Elevator and what the chapter had in store for FFA Week.

Jessyca Walsh serves as the chapter’s Vice President. Her SAE is making cow shaped planters. Walsh talks about the planters and how FFA has set her up for success.

Sophie Sandifer is the chapter’s Secretary. She talks about her plans for her SAE and how FFA has shaped her leadership skills for the future.

Cameron Williams’ role in the Christian County FFA is Treasurer. He talks about what that office entails and his SAE working on small engines.

Caleb Luttrull serves as the Sentinel and keeps the meeting room in order. He talks about his SAE at the family company and the work-ready skills FFA has given him.

Lily Bishop is the chapter’s Strengthening Agriculture Committee Chair. She tells us about what her role entails, her equine SAE, and the skills she has learned from FFA.

Tyler Stokes is the Building Communities Chairman where he helps plan events each month for the chapter. He talks about his SAE, cooperative job, and plans to be an electrician in the future.

Allie Grace takes charge of the chapter’s social media and event promotions as Reporter. She talks about her SAE as a machine operator and how FFA has gotten her out of her shell.

Even after weather complications the Christian County FFA Chapter was still able to celebrate FFA Week.

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