‘Girl Scout Day’ Coming To Woodlands Nature Station


(Woodlands Nature Station photo)

Officials with The Woodlands Nature Station in Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area are inviting troops and families to Girl Scout Day: Wonders of Nature — which is set for 10 AM until 3 PM Saturday, March 22.

During this event, Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes will be able to meet requirements for wildlife-related badges, through hands-on programs and activities led by naturalists and volunteers.

Vanessa Sivils, naturalist for the Nature Station, said scouts will be able to join a hike to learn about tree identification, meet live animals, create insect crafts, and much more, and the badges scouts will work toward are Design with Nature for Daisies, Bugs for Brownies, Animal Habitats for Juniors, and Trees for Cadettes.

Daisies will have access to Backyard Bird ID, Animal Track Tables and a “Sound Off” program, Brownies will have access to Iridescent Insects and Bug House Crafts and an “Incredible Insects” program, Juniors will have access to Bug House Crafts and a “Backyard Safari: Animal Habitats” program, while Cadettes will have access to Tree Trail Mix and a “Treemendous Hike.”

Other programs available will be a Prairie Ecosystems display, a Tree Hand Mural display, a Women Naturalists display, as well as “Bites For Bobcat” and “Awesome Opossum.”

Everyone is invited to participate, including siblings and non-scouts. Nature Station staff recommends planning up to a three-hour visit to complete all the activities. All programming is included with Nature Station admission, which is $7 for ages 16+ and free for ages 15 and under.

The Woodlands Nature Station is located in Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area at 3146 Silver Trail Road, Cadiz, Kentucky, 42211.

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