Trigg County FFA Tractor Drive Wraps National FFA Week

Trigg County FFA members celebrated National FFA Week a little late Friday morning during the annual drive your tractor to school day.

Nine tractors parade along Main Street in Cadiz from Hancock’s Neighborhood Market to Trigg County High School, with tractors ranging in size and age. Trigg County FFA President Jennie Watts says the annual tractor drive is dedicated to former FFA member Ethan Wright who was a big fan of tractors.

click to download audioWatts says the FFA Tractor Drive is always exciting for the participants and those who watch the parade.

click to download audioShe adds the tractor drive served as the grand finale of a week of celebrating Trigg County FFA at the high school.

click to download audioNational FFA Week is traditionally the third week of February and coincides with President’s Day. It was celebrated last week in Trigg County because of the weather-related school closings during National FFA Week.

Your Ag Edge photos by Jennie Watts

Trigg FFA Tractor Drive-2025


Your Ag Edge video

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