Third Annual Chamber Women’s Summit A Success


Through intelligence, effort and determination, women hold many important professional positions in, and around, Hopkinsville.

They are managers. They are farmers. They are doctors. They are educators. They are journalists. They are police officers and lawyers. They are bankers, commercial lenders and realtors. They are artists. They are event and meal planners, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and wives.

They are whatever they want to be.

Many such seekers of knowledge were corralled under one roof Thursday morning and afternoon at The Silos, and for one clear purpose: to learn even more about a material world at the Third Annual Christian County Chamber of Commerce Women’s Summit.

Chamber Director of Membership Development’s Chandler Goolsby Ladd, herself a proud businesswoman, mother and wife, said attendance has significantly increased in the last 36 months — a testament to growing empowerment and belief.

An early-morning panel consisted of discussion from Hopkinsville Police Department’s Public Information Officer Royale Marfil, a chipper Bolo in tow, Walmart Distribution Center General Manager Krista Forsberg and Jennie Stuart Health OB/GYN Dr. Autumn Smith.

When constructing the panel, Ladd said she realized none of the trio were natives of Christian County, yet they had carved career paths leading to it.

Running from 9 AM until 3 PM, Ladd said “easily” more than 150 women had walked through the door, looking for camaraderie and understanding.

This year’s keynote speaker was the retired, yet indefatigable, Amy Watson — a graduate of Calloway County High School in Murray, whose career in television, video journalism and now authorship led her to lengthy stops at Paducah’s WPSD Local 6, Nashville’s News Channel 5 and more.

Johnna Howard, senior human resources manager at Stanley Black & Decker, Inc., said Watson’s message easily resonated with her.

Following lunch, afternoon roundtable sessions included talks about “Empowering Minds,” “Work-Life Balance,” “Taking A Break,” “Self Promotion,” “Women’s Health,” “Getting Involved,” “Building Belonging with bell hooks,” “Web of Connections,” and “Anyone Can Be a First Responder.”

One can expect for this event to continue into 2026 and beyond.

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