House Members Still Waiting On Pension Plan

Members of the Kentucky House of Representatives from the Pennyrile say they are still waiting to see what the much-anticipated pension bill will look like during this Kentucky General Assembly session. Eighth District State Representative Walker Thomas, who represents Christian and Trigg Counties, says he was hoping to have some type of plan to look at during the opening week.

Fourth District Representative Lynn Bechler, who serves the people of Christian, Caldwell and other nearby counties, says the House is still waiting on the Kentucky Teacher Retirement System.

Fifth District Representative Kenny Imes, who represents Trigg and Calloway Counties, thinks the basics are in place but adds they are still waiting to see the impact on the state budget.

Although the final numbers are not in, Ninth District Representative Myron Dossett says the effects on the budget will be pretty significant.

Dossett serves the voters in Christian and Hopkins Counties.

The legislator's comments on those and other issues can be heard Sundays during the Legislative Update on 96.5-100.9 WHVO following the Noon News Edge.

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