Lynch Files For Ward 6, Only Councilman Facing Opposition

Halfway through the filing period and only one Hopkinsville City Council Ward will see competition in the Primary and General Election. Ward 6 Incumbent, Wendell Lynch officially filed to run for re-election Monday. In the May Primary, he will face challenger Shannon Worden. The winner will appear on the November General Election ballot with Republican Timothy Moss.

In addition to Lynch, sitting City Council people who have already filed are Ward 1 Thomas Grant, Ward 3 Don Ahart, Ward 4 Paul Henson, Ward 5 Amy Craig, Ward 7 Terry Parker, Ward 8 Tom Johnson, and Ward 10 Jimmy Dossett. None of them have opposition at this point.

Ward 2 Incumbent Kim McCarley, Ward 9 Incumbent Patricia Bell, Ward 11 Incumbent Wesley Grimes, and Ward 12 Incumbent Philip Brooks have not yet filed or indicated if they are seeing another term in office. The filing deadline is close of business January 30th.

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