New Appointees Seated On Tourism Board

Two of three new appointments to the Cadiz-Trigg County Tourism Commission got a rundown of operations Thursday. J.B. Moore and John Oliphant took their seats on the commission, replacing three other commissioners whose terms expired at the end of 2017. The third new appointment, Lucas Hale was not present.

The new tourism commissioners were appointed to replace Mallory Lawrence, Kevin Atwood, and Greg Batts. Moore represents the Cadiz-Trigg County Chamber of Commerce, Oliphant represents restaurant owners, and Hale will represent overnight lodging.

At Thursday’s meeting, the commission was awaiting an answer from the Department of Local Government on how it needs to account for 25 percent of restaurant tax monies being transferred to the joint city-county Parks and Recreation Board. Executive Director Bill Stevens says they have gotten that answer.

Lawrence, Atwood, and Batts had previously pushed for a signed written agreement between the parties accounting for how the money would be used. That, however, won’t be necessary, according to Stevens.

The next commission meeting is set for March 8.

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