McConnell Will Serve On Farm Bill Conference Committee

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has officially been named as a Senate member to serve on the Farm Bill Conference Committee. The Conference Committee includes members from both chambers who will reconcile the Senate and House versions of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill. Congressman James Comer was named in July as a House conferee and will also serve with Senator McConnell on the Conference Committee.

Senator McConnell says in a release he’s proudly served on the Agriculture Committee since his first day in the Senate and knows exactly how important this legislation is to agricultural communities in Kentucky, so as Majority Leader, he put himself on the Conference, and adds they are ready to get to work to ensure the future of American agriculture. In addition, McConnell says he will advocate to legalize industrial hemp and he’s optimistic his Hemp Farming Act, which was secured in the Senate bill, will be included in the final bill sent to the President for his signature. He also adds he’s glad to have the support of Congressman Comer on the Conference for legalizing industrial hemp.

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