Two Todd County men were arrested on East 7th Street in Hopkinsville Monday night after deputies found guns and drugs inside their vehicle.
According to the Christian County Sheriff’s Department, deputies responded to a theft in progress of an RV/camper on Carl Smith Road shortly after 7:15 p.m. when a deputy located the vehicle described and the camper on East 7th Street. While conducting the investigation, an SUV pulled up driven by 20-year old Tyler Mosley of Trenton, and his passenger, 20-year old Kayan Garrett of Guthrie. The two men stated they were friends of the driver of the truck that took the camper and stated they were there as well.
After deputies asked if the men had anything illegal in the vehicle, they say Mosley stated he had a handgun in the glove compartment, and marijuana in the door handle. At this time, the two men were detained and the handgun was removed from the vehicle. During a search of the vehicle, deputies reportedly found another gun in the fuse box container in the middle console, and a tactical bag in the same area that contained a clear glass pipe, commonly used to smoke meth, along with a baggy with a crystallized substance. Deputies say Mosley nor Garrett claimed ownership of the meth or the 9mm handgun found in the fuse box. They report Garrett admitted he was a convicted felon for a past meth possession charge.
Mosley and Garrett were lodged in the Christian County Jail charged with Possession of Marijuana, 1st Degree Possession of Controlled Substance (Meth), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Carrying a Concealed Deadly Weapon. Garrett was also charged with Possession of Handgun by a Convicted Felon.