February is American Heart Month and the Christian County Health Department is raising awareness of ways to improve your heart health.
Health Education Manager Amanda Bassingthwaite says heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.
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She says they offer cholesterol screenings at the health department for $30.
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Bassingthwaite also notes this month is also Children’s Dental Awareness Health Month. She adds oral health can also be a contributor that can affect your heart health, which she adds should be taught to children.
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She adds building healthy habits early will make a huge difference in your heart health.
Another contributing factor to heart disease is smoking. Bassingthwaite says they are still offering smoking cessation classes.
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For more information on the classes, you can contact the Christian County Health Department (270) 887-4160. The health department is located at 1700 Canton Street.
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