The Cadiz Rotary Club heard updates on what is going on with Rotary International during their Tuesday meeting.
The club, a part of Rotary District 6710, is under the leadership of District Governor Otha Ray Stearman who shared the message that “Rotary Connects the World”.
Stearman actually believes the number of service hours is significantly higher since many clubs fail to report their hours to the national organization.
He notes while many of the projects around the world are funded in part by U.S. clubs, some money comes back from other countries.
Stearman urged Rotarians to take a trip to see the impact if they don’t understand what the organization does in other countries.
Rotary District 6710 serves at least half of the state including Frankfort and Louisville clubs.
Rotary is always looking for new members, the Cadiz club meets every Tuesday at noon at the Johnson Tyler Community Center on Lincoln Street.
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