Magistrates Approve Property Tax Rates And Property Acquistion

Christian County Fiscal Court magistrates Tuesday morning agreed to keep the property tax rate the same for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 and approved the acquisition of six properties in Hopkinsville to build a workshop for the jail.

Magistrates unanimously approved the first reading of the real property tax rate at 18.7 cents per $100 as recommended by Judge-Executive Steve Tribble.

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The second reading of the property tax rates should be at the next fiscal court meeting.

Magistrates went into closed session to discuss the future acquisition of real property and no action was taken. When the meeting resumed, magistrates unanimously approved the purchase of six properties near the jail for a total cost of $187,200.

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Magistrates also approved a request by County Clerk Mike Kem for a $50 increase in pay for poll workers due to a shortage. Poll workers will now be paid $10 for training and $190 for working the 14-hours on election day. Kem stated the county has 164 poll workers to cover all the precincts in the county.

The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, September 10, at 8:30.

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