A new hemp processing facility in Hopkinsville is up and running and serving the needs of area farmers.
South West Kentucky EDC Executive Director Mark Lindsey says they are excited to have Halcyon Thruput on Mitsubishi Lane.
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Halcyon President Zeb Reicher notes Hopkinsville is a perfect place to be with all the hemp growers in the region.
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Kentucky is considered a flagship state when it comes to hemp.
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Reicher adds he worked in the oil and gas field for many years but left in 2015 to start trading commodities. In 2018, Reicher was working in the frac sand market in western Texas, but his personal hobbies of fitness and wellness led him to hemp.
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Halcyon Thruput is strictly a biomass processing facility.
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Reicher says his facility is similar to a grain elevator. When hemp is processed, it will be transported across the country to be used in a multitude of CBD products.Halcyon Thruput currently employs around 25 people and is running three shifts through the harvest season.
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