Christian Co. Officials Ready For General Election Tuesday

Christian County officials are ready for the November General Election next week and are hoping for a good turnout.

Elections Coordinator Melinda Humphries says registered voters will need to have their identification ready when going to the polls Tuesday because they have a new system this year — e-poll books.

She notes absentee voting at the Christian County Courthouse continues Friday until 4:00, Saturday 8 a.m. until noon, and Monday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., which is the last day.

Humphries explains there are two nonpartisan ballots that are not included if you vote straight-ticket.

Humphries and County Clerk Mike Kem are hoping for a good voter turnout.

She notes there are no polling location changes in Christian County for the general election and registered voters have from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Tuesday to cast their vote for the governor’s race and other state office seats.


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