Hopkinsville Council Expected To Vote On Tax Increases Tonight

Hopkinsville City Council is expected to vote on two proposed tax increases during a special called meeting Thursday night at the Hopkinsville Municipal Building.

Tuesday council members approved on first reading two ordinances that included a business tax increase and an in lieu of tax levy for water and sewer service provided by Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority.

Hopkinsville City Council Presiding Officer Wendell Lynch says the current business tax license of 1.5% with a $10,000 cap will increase to 1.95% with no cap on net income, effective the next fiscal year.

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The increase would generate over $1.2 million beginning with fiscal year 2020-2021.Lynch explained the in lieu of taxes levy of 2% for water and sewer against Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority is already in place for other utilities in the city.

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The special called meeting begins at 5:30 prior to the Hopkinsville Committee of the Whole meeting at 6:00.

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