City of Cadiz Launching Payment Reminder System

The City of Cadiz is launching a payment text reminder system to remind residents that sign up their bills are due.

City Clerk Brian Ahart tells the News Edge the new system is called Prompt Pay. He adds it’s only used by the Department of Local Government, so Cadiz would be the first city in the state to use it.


It can also be used for other city fees and services.


Ahart says the program will see the most use for water customers who are late in paying their bill.


Ahart adds if you sign up and do not receive a text reminder that your bill is due, that does not give you an excuse for not paying the bill.

To sign up, you can call the city at (270) 522-8244. A way to sign up will also be available on the city’s website in the coming days. In order to sign up, you will have to provide your name, cell phone number, and email address.

Ahart reminds everyone you can pay water bills, city taxes, and other bills on their website at

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