Trigg County school board members went over the annual district and school report cards during their meeting Thursday night.
Instructional Supervisor Faye Stevens said there are limited aspects of the report cards from the 2019-2020 school year.
Stevens added demographic data, and other information is still available on the report cards.
There is a new comparison feature on the website that is home to the report cards.
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Randy McCallon said Thursday afternoon via a news release, much of the academic performance data relies on the Proficiency Dashboard, which links 2018-19 school year data. He added that this was the latest meaningful assessment results. Only a fraction of the usual testing outcomes is published for the 2019-20 school year, including English Language Learners and kindergarten data.
Full data for the district and each school can be found below:
District Report Card
Trigg County Primary School
Trigg County Intermediate School
Trigg County Middle School
Trigg County High School