WINS Budget Amendment Sent to City Council

The Hopkinsville Committee of the Whole moved forward an amendment to the WINS budget for the Greenway expansion, and a capital fund request to cover the costs of new mandates and repairs at Tie Breaker Family Aquatic Center.

Chief Financial Officer Robert Martin said this is the third amendment to the WINS municipal order since last year that they have moved money around to cover some of these projects. He says the total WINS budget if approved by the city council, will now be more than $12.4 million.

Community and Development Services Director outlined the costs of the Greenway expansion from Pardue Lane to Foston Chapel. He explained they were over budget by nearly $67,000.

click to download audioHe suggested using some funds from other WINS projects.

click to download audioThe WINS budget amendment was passed on to City Council by a 10-1 vote with Jimmy Dossett casting the lone nay vote.

In other action, the Committee of the Whole heard from Public Works Director Mike Perry regarding new mandates and repairs to the Lazy River at Tie Breaker Park that will cost $60,000. Due to the mandate, he said they will need to replace all the main drain sumps and grates, along with a motor and pump in order to open for the season in May 2021.

click to download audioWhen asked by newly sworn-in Councilman Chuck Crabtree if the water park pays for itself in a normal year, Chief Financial Officer explained that no money was transferred in the budget year council just approved because the water park was closed due to COVID. However, he added they have transferred at least $100,000 to cover operational costs every year..

click to download audioThe funding to cover the cost of the mandates and repairs was forwarded to City Council by a 9-2 vote with Councilmen Chuck Crabtree and Jason Bell voting no.

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