Governor Andy Beshear announced more vaccines are coming to the Commonwealth and honored the more than 2,000 Kentuckians who lost their lives to the virus Monday.
Beshear announced the state is expecting two additional COVID-19 vaccine shipments before the end of the year. In total, the state expects at least 38,000 Pfizer doses and 109,000 Moderna doses this month. He added more Pfizer allocations could be announced later, possibly before the end of the month.
The Governor expects Kentucky will receive approximately: 38,000 Pfizer doses next week, 76,000 Moderna doses the week of December 20, and more than 33,000 Moderna doses from December 27-31. These doses will go to a different Kentuckian; they are the initial shots that will be followed up with a booster vaccine about three weeks later. Both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines require an initial dose and a booster dose.
Earlier in the day, the Governor was joined by First Lady Britainy Beshear, Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman, and the Kentucky State Police Honor Guard for a ceremony to remember those lost to COVID-19.
The ceremony included Soloist Keith Dean, Rev. Jack Brewer of the Franklin County Ministerial Association, and the Handbell Ensemble from First United Methodist Church in Frankfort.
Beshear’s comments came during his Monday COVID-19 conference, where he announced 1,972 new cases and 10 additional deaths. The state’s death toll is now 2,082, and the positivity rate is 9.6-percent.