Jingle Bell Jog Proceeds Presented To Seven Friends w/VIDEO

The annual Jingle Bell Jog raised more than $2,000 for the Seven Friends Scholarship fund.

The presentation was made on the 27th anniversary of the deadliest traffic crash in Trigg County that claimed the lives of Steven Wallace, Joey Rogers, Dale Garner, Jeremy Gordon, Patrick Perry, David Lawrence, and Jesse Lawrence. The accident occurred on December 15, 1993, as the boys were returning to work at Knight and Hale Game Calls after going to Hilltop Market for dinner. Their car drifted across the center line on U.S. 68 and was hit by a truck driven by Steven Richardson. The family of the boys called Seven Friends established a scholarship fund.

Cadiz Mayor Todd King and Main Street Director Casey Parrent presented a check to Stephanie Perry, the mother of Patrick Perry, at Cadiz City Hall Tuesday morning.

click to download audioPerry says the community has been tremendously supportive in the years since the accident occurred.

click to download audioShe says several students have attended college with the help of the scholarship fund.

click to download audioA golf tournament is held each year to benefit the Seven Friends scholarship fund to help continue providing scholarships to Trigg County high school seniors.

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