Private Family Graveside Services for 88 year old James T. “Jim” Boren of Cadiz will be Friday, January 29, at 12:00 p.m. at Canton Baptist Church Cemetery.
Burial will follow in the Canton Baptist Church Cemetery.
King’s Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
Wife: Betty Lou DeShazo Boren, Cadiz, KY;
Two Sons: David Boren (Beth), Cadiz, KY;
John Boren (Patricia), Owensboro, KY;
Three Step Sons: Bill Harris, Amarillo, TX;
Russell Harris, Los Angeles, CA;
Sam Harris, Jr., Amarillo, TX;
Brothers: Twyman Boren (Betty), Princeton, KY;
Bob Boren (Shirley), VA;
Daughter-In-Law: Lisa Boren, Hopkinsville, KY;
Three Grandchildren
Three Great Grandchildren:
Three Step Grandchildren
Five Step Great Grandchildren