Comer Questioning Marina Fees Charged By Corps Of Engineers

First District U.S. Congressman James Comer is questioning the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers about how the agency determine fees charged to marina owners and businesses.

In his role as the ranking member of the United States House Oversight Committee, Comer sent a letter to the Corps of Engineers questioning the lack of transparency and uniformity of fees charged to marina owners and businesses.

click to download audioHe also requested documents from the Corps of Engineers regarding their fees to ensure marina businesses are not unfairly charged and burdened by an unruly and inconsistent process.

click to download audioComer said “every small business in America is hurting because of this pandemic, and to make matters worse, the Army Corps of Engineers is overcharging marina businesses and getting away with it.”

click to download audioHe went on to say that tourism is crucial to the state economy and to have these small businesses suffer due to a hazy, bureaucratic process is unfair and could potentially destroy a business.


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