A stream of cars poured into the campus of Trigg County Schools on Wednesday, as the first day of learning commenced in the classrooms for 2021-22 academic year.
With Cadiz Police Chief Duncan Wiggins directing traffic, Trigg Superintendent Bill Thorpe and Director of Student Services and Personnel James Mangels greeting students — and countless, countless other streamlining the first-day process — more than 1,800 children were on campus, with more anticipated at the start of next week.
Per Mangels, roughly 150 students still remain without registration.
Still, Wednesday went off smooth for the most part, Thorpe said. Little to no hiccups to report, he added, in what was the first eight hours of what could be another unprecedented year for the school system.
Trigg County officials had elected to mandate the use of masks inside of its school buildings last week, due to the safety measures needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the insurance required to keep the school compliant, and the startling rise of the Delta variant — particularly in children.
Thorpe said he had no indication Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear was going to officially mandate the use of masks at public and private schools — something he did earlier this week — and Thorpe added he knows he made the right decision to keep school-age children and their teachers safe, and in the classroom.
Drivers should remain cautious near the school for the next few weekdays, particularly before 8 a.m. and after 3 p.m., as the schools continue to find rhythm with pick up and drop off near the campus.
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