Trigg Youth Leadership Class Learns About Media

The Trigg County Youth Leadership class learned the ins and outs of broadcasting, news, websites, digital media, and other facets of Edge Media Group during media day.

The 2021-22 leadership class includes 18 juniors and seniors from Trigg County High School. While visiting with the WKDZ Country Club, Colson Thomas said the experience will help him in more than one way.

click to download audioSavannah Garnett says she is learning quite a bit about the community where she lives.

click to download audioLilly P’Pool said the program is helping her develop leadership skills.

click to download audioElizabeth Hiter added the program is helping her learn more about future possibilities in the community.

click to download audioMeagan Hicks says being a part of the class was an important goal for her.

click to download audioIvey Redd says the class has helped him learn a lot about the community.

click to download audioCollin Curling says he applied for the class to become more knowledgeable about the community.

click to download audioThe class is being led by high school teachers James Shelton and Ashley Wells. Shelton says they hope students gain a new appreciation for the community and how to achieve future goals.

click to download audioThe Trigg County Youth Leadership Class is sponsored by the Trigg County Chamber of Commerce. The class is offered to all juniors and seniors at Trigg County High School. Students apply for the class, submit letters of recognition, and undergo an interview before class members are selected by the Chamber of Commerce.

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