Cadiz/Trigg County Tourism Donates $20K To Farmers Market Roof Project

The Cadiz Trigg County Leadership Class moved $20,000 closer to its initial fundraising goals for a roof over the Cadiz Farmers Market space Thursday night, when the Cadiz/Trigg County Tourist & Convention Commission met in special session to hear the group’s presentation — and then unanimously moved to assist.

With a modest initial goal of $60,000-to-$70,000 for beginning construction and a basic structure, total donations from the community are now north of $65,000 — in what has been a strong start to the capital campaign.

Melissa Wallace, a member of the Cadiz Trigg County Leadership Class and frequent presenter of the project, said one of the next steps will be a matching-funds grant application through the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.

Wallace also noted that the organization still has its ambitious goal of construction being complete by the time the farmer’s market reopens in April of next year, in what would be a functioning roof that could then be added on to as funds become available.

In what they hope will be a fully-functioning year-round space, ceiling fans and radiant heat are the top two priorities to be installed with the roof structure, and other expansion has been eyed.

The location is a hot spot not just for the farmer’s market, but also for the annual Trigg County Country Ham Festival, and as such it’ll likely need to remain as a multi-use location.

This plan should sharpen and enhance those possibilities, and Wallace added that moving an electric pole there will only make the location more open.

The space is roughly 9,500 square feet.

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