Christian County school board members heard a teacher recruitment update during a special workshop meeting Thursday night.
Teacher Recruiter Beverly Fort presented the update and said she is working on teacher candidates to bring into the district throughout the fall. She pointed out she has attended several job fairs and connected with university partners to find possible candidates to fill teaching positions.
Fort said the district has 85 mentors in the school district as part of the support group for first-year teachers.
According to Fort, the district is going to start study sessions to help support teachers in the ALT-CERT program.
Fort said the Teaching and Learning Pathway with dual credit is in its first year and they have eighteen students.
When asked what is the one thing the Christian County school district doesn’t have that other districts do to recruit new teachers, Fort replied salary and incentives.
During Thursday night’s meeting, board members re-elected Tom Bell to serve as chair and Lindsay Clark to serve as vice-chairman. Mike Walker was also unanimously approved to continue to serve as a board member on the 2022-2023 Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline Committee.
The board also unanimously approved an invoice for approximately $1,709 to American Engineers, Inc. for the high school consolidation project. Superintendent Chris Bentzel explained this was the second of three payments to pay for the survey service for the property the district purchased at Fort Campbell Boulevard and Lovers Lane.