FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers To Close But Help Still Available

As the deadline to apply for FEMA assistance for the December 10-11 tornadoes has passed, FEMA officials say the three remaining Disaster Recovery Centers plan to wrap up operations by March 19. But, officials add, that does not mean FEMA is leaving Kentucky.

FEMA Media Relations Specialist Issa Mansaray says FEMA specialists are still available to help Kentuckians update information in their accounts and direct them to federal, state and community programs and assistance. He says FEMA is also continuing to work with the commonwealth and other partners to help the state’s residents in their recovery from the storms and tornadoes.

The schedule for the Disaster Recovery Center in Dawson Springs at the Community Center is 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Saturday. Officials indicate the Disaster Recovery Center in Dawson Springs will close at 6:00 Saturday evening.

According to Mansaray, eighteen Disaster Recovery Centers have operated across the affected counties during the past three months. He says more than 7,000 survivors have visited the centers to get information or referrals to programs offered by FEMA, the U.S. Small Business Administration and other federal, state and local partners.

Mansaray says even with the closings of the recovery centers in Graves, Hopkins and Warren counties on Saturday, help is just a phone call away. Survivors can get answers from specialists at the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. He adds it’s also important for you to stay in touch with FEMA if you change your address or phone number, even if the changes are only temporary.

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