New Location In The Works For Grain And Forage Center Rebuild

The rebuild of the Grain and Forage Center of Excellence at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center in Princeton could be on top of the hill near the entrance.

Center Director Dr. Chad Lee says the new building that was destroyed by the December 10 tornado could serve as the centerpiece for the research station located on U.S. Highway 91 in Princeton.

click to download audioDr. Lee says initial plans call for a storm shelter.

click to download audioHe says they are thankful for the extra tornado relief funding from the Kentucky General Assembly.

click to download audioDr. Lee says the funding also assisted with removing storm debris from the Research and Education Center that was blown onto property nearby.

click to download audioHe adds patience will be a virtue as the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton is rebuilt.

click to download audioDr. Lee provided the report to a group of farmers and agriculture industry representatives during the recent Wheat Field Day.



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