Trigg Sheriff And Trigg County Fiscal Court Named In Lawsuit

Trigg County Sheriff Aaron Acree and Trigg County Fiscal Court are named in a lawsuit filed by two former sheriff’s deputies who were recently fired from the sheriff’s department.

Former Sheriff’s Department Major Mike Sandbrink and Sergeant Michelle Kent jointly filed the lawsuit in Trigg County Circuit Court on July 8.

Sandbrink and Kent were both terminated by the Trigg County Sheriff’s Department on June 30, 2022. According to the lawsuit, which represents just one side of the issue, Sandbrink says on March 11, he notified the FBI of suspected violations of state and federal law allegedly committed by Sheriff Acree. Sandbrink says he was assisted and supported in the report to the FBI by Sergeant Kent.

Sheriff Aaron Acree reportedly suspended Sandbrink and Kent when he learned of the report to the FBI. The lawsuit said Sandbrink and Kent’s report to the FBI included allegations of improper sexual conduct by Sheriff Acree with a female while the sheriff was on duty and in the sheriff’s office. The matter was later referred to Kentucky State Police by the FBI, with the Kentucky Attorney General appointing Todd County Attorney Jeff Traughber as the special prosecutor in the case.

When contacted Wednesday morning, Acree said he was unaware of the lawsuit and its allegations.

click to download audioAcree went on to say that Sandbrink and Kent were not fired in a retaliatory act.

click to download audioTrigg County Judge Executive Hollis Alexander says he has not had a chance to read the lawsuit and could not comment on it before contacting the county’s attorney.

Sandbrink and Kent filed a lawsuit under the Whistleblower Act, which prohibits employers from retaliating against employees in engaging in activities protected under the law. Kent and Sandbrink are asking the court to award them lost wages, a trial by jury, injunctive relief by the court, and all attorney’s fees and expenses incurred.


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