City Of Cadiz Donates $10K To Genesis Express Construction Project

Genesis Express and its coming Inter-generational Community Center received a big boost Friday morning, when Cadiz Mayor Todd King and the staff at Cadiz City Hall presented a promised $10,000 check toward construction costs.

Genesis Express Historian Jonathan White was on hand as the organization’s representative, and noted that there’s a critical reason the new facility has been termed “inter-generational.”

White said community funds have been generous and thoughtful, and currently, roughly total close to $500,000.

Because of this, work on the 6,200 square-foot building on 3.1 acres has been steady and consistent.

Phase one of this project includes a commercial kitchen, a half-mile track wrapped around the building, and a large classroom that can be split into three rooms for smaller groups.

Phase two plans are even more grandiose in scale, but more than feasible — given the amount of space on the property. White said there are expectations of converting the land into a major campus, with budding optimism for a gymnasium and a small amphitheater to further expand local programming and outreach.

White added that a gymnasium could lead to additional summer camps and tournaments, which would be an additional revenue stream to roll back through the organization.

Located between Jefferson Street and Will Jackson Road, Genesis Express President George Radford has noted in past discussions that the eventual goal is to reach 12,000 square feet of usable space on the lot — with an estimated $1.2 million price tag on construction.

Donations to the organization can be made on the Genesis Express website, at FNB Bank, or by calling one of the officers of the organization.

President: George Radford, 270-871-1344

Vice-President: Bobby Acree, 270-206-5095

Historian: Jonathan White, 270-839-5178

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