Last Friday, Trigg County’s Luke Humphries performed for a live audience during a general session of Kentucky Farm Bureau’s 103rd Annual Meeting in Louisville.
A winner of both the Trigg County and District 1 preliminary competitions, Humphries was just one of 11 acts from across the Commonwealth invited to perform at the state level’s “Variety Showcase.”
The competition is sponsored annually by KFB, in order to support and promote youth achievements through entertainment.
Humphries performed “Salut d’Amour” on piano — and was awarded a $250 check for being named as a district winner of the Variety Showcase. Composed by Edward Elgar in 1888, the musical work was originally written for violin and piano.
KFB’s District 1 is comprised of Ballard, Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Lyon, McCracken, Marshall and Trigg counties. KFB, meanwhile, remains the state’s largest general farm organization, with more than 468,000 families under its umbrella.
For KFB news and updates, visit KYFBNewsroom.com.