Hopkinsville Salvation Army Reports Successful Holiday Season


The Hopkinsville Salvation Army is reporting a successful coat drive during Monday’s Martin Luther King Day march in Hopkinsville on the heels of a successful fundraising campaign in 2022.

Commander Lt. Lindsay Gallabeas says they were happy with the response from the community during Monday’s coat drive that took place prior to the Martin Luther King March and program Monday in Hopkinsville.

click to download audioGallabeas says it was also great to interact with the community as marchers arrived at Hopkinsville Community College.

click to download audioShe adds the annual the bell ringing and fundraising campaign prior to Christmas will likely be a big success.

click to download audioGalabeas says the money raised through the Salvation Amy’s annual campaign supports people in the three-county area.

click to download audioGalabeas adds supporters can continue to contribute and support the Hopkinsville Salvation Army throughout the year.

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